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The Narrator

A member registered Nov 26, 2023

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  • The games will be pledged by Patreon dates until its free after the next release.
  • I hope that you will like the game and that you will support me financially, because I have worked a lot on it and I want to continue to develop it.

Thank you!

I'm happy to hear that. Have fun!

(2 edits)
I asked you this because I'm on Windows 10 to and game work smooth, I don't understand why you have this error.
You are the only one telling me that he has this problem.

On what platform are you playing the game?

Hi! I've checked and everything is in order with no errors.

Try installing it again.

  • Hello everybody!
  • Please can you follow me on patreon by becoming a free member so you can write me your thoughts after the launch of Patreon chat.
  • Thank you!
  • Everyone is welcomed.

Hairy virgin :)

I'm sorry, but I bring stories written by others and convert them into visual novels.

But later I will try to combine them to have continuity to your favorite stories and get pregnant the best girls.

Thank you for the review.